SEN Provision

Based in Thornton we are Sefton LA’s Special Provision for pupils aged 5 -16 years old, who have a statement of educational need that is primarily for social, emotional and mental health difficulties that manifest in behavioural ways (some may also have ADHD, Autism, Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, Learning Difficulties and social issues that would define their needs as complex).

Special educational needs are evolving nationally, the school is proactively establishing it’s skills base in social, mental and emotional health to meet the needs of children and young people in a society that is becoming ever more complex. 

What your child can expect, when at Newfield:

We offer a team approach, around the child, with parents, carers and other agencies to support children and young people’s academic progress, preparation for working life and lifelong learning and health and well-being.

We teach the full National Curriculum and also include a variety of visits and experiences to enhance learning.

Whilst at Newfield your child will also have the added benefit of the following:

  • A teacher and teaching assistant in each class
  • Maximum class sizes of 10 pupils (8 pupils where possible maximum)
  • Specialist teachers for Art and Music
  • All staff are experienced in social, emotional and behaviour management support to children and young people, listening to their views and supporting prevention of bullying, racism and homophobia
  • Dedicated Attendance Officer
  • Learning Mentors
  • Calm rooms for calming down and de-escalation
  • Opportunity to receive different provisions including alternative providers
  • Opportunity to receive dedicated reintegration support back into mainstream provision
  • Individual playgrounds for primary and secondary pupils
  • For pupils who are eligible for high needs funding, this can support 1:1 teaching and supervision and additional therapies / support
  • Visual fire alarms for practical areas (DT and Music)
  • Braille labels on doors

Pupil premium allocation is planned for each child and may include:

1:1 support by SENCo, Learning Mentor, Teaching Assistant or Teacher on:

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Phonics
  • Handwriting Scheme
  • Speech and Language Development
  • Behavioural, Social and Emotional support
  • Social Story input
  • Baselining
  • Numeracy Support
  • Rewarding improved engagement, attendance and behaviour

A child’s funding allocation will fund employment of specialist staff, resources to support teaching and learning and maintenance of school environment as a proportion of the total school expenditure.

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Newfield School Edge Lane, Thornton, Liverpool L23 4TG
Newfield Primary School Everton Road, Birkdale, PR8 4BT