Friends United Newfield (F.U.N)

FUN is our school ParentKind (formerly PTA) charitable status, it exists to help the pupils and parents of Newfield school and other local charities.

  1. Behind the scenes we do many things to benefit our school community such as:
  2. We work with other charitable or community associations to raise and receive funding.
  3. We are a member of the National Confederation of Parent Teacher Association (NCPTA).
  4. We hold regular meetings to discuss future developments
  5. We hold fundraisers throughout the year.
  6. We have a lot of FUN… here’s hoping you do too.

Any parents that wish to be involved in FUN then please do not hesitate to contact the Chairperson - Mr Heath on 0151-934-2991


We regularly participate in fundraising and have helped various causes this year such as Sports relief and MacMillian.

Our good friends at Brabners solicitors support us throughout the year and I do not know where we would be without Lynne Higgins at the Seaforth Community Shop, Lynne provides us with hampers that are so beneficial to the families. 

Thank you for your support, we cannot thank you enough!

Mr G Heath

F U N Chairperson

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Newfield School Edge Lane, Thornton, Liverpool L23 4TG
Newfield Primary School Everton Road, Birkdale, PR8 4BT