
Please find below details of how our Governing board is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. We also have a Register of Governor Interests which we collect at the AGM at the start of each school year.

School Governance

The governing board of Newfield School play a crucial role in the life and work of our school. Governors make decisions about many aspects of the school including the curriculum, staffing and finance. The governing board consists of members of staff and parents, as well as representatives from Sefton Education Authority and the local community.

Whilst Mr Whelan, Newfield School’s Headteacher, is responsible for the day-to-day management and control of the school, the Governing body of Newfield School:

  • Provides a strategic view of the school by establishing a vision and setting the purpose and aims of the school within an agreed policy framework
  • Agrees the school improvement strategy which includes setting statutory targets with supporting budgets and staffing structures
  • Monitors and evaluates the work of the school by reviewing the performance of the Headteacher, the effectiveness of the policy framework, progress towards targets, and the effectiveness of the school improvement strategy
  • Signs off the self-evaluation process and responds to school improvement service and Ofsted reports as necessary.

Our Full Governing Body meets at least 3 times a year (a register of attendance is available). We have also set up a number of committees which have specific areas of work delegated to them.

Newfield School committee structure:

  • Finance
  • Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare
  • Quality of Education
  • Staffing
  • Staffing appeals
  • Headteacher performance management

Governors at Newfield School are expected to play a full and active role, attending regular Full Governors meetings and in addition some Governors also volunteer to fulfil specific roles, such as being the Special Educational Needs Governor, or the Safeguarding Governor, or the link Governor for a particular year or subject.

Governors at Newfield School are welcome to visit the school during the working day so that they can see how the school is addressing issues that have been identified for development.

Governors are also warmly welcomed to all school events such as Christmas productions, sports day and Easter celebrations.

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Newfield School Edge Lane, Thornton, Liverpool L23 4TG
Newfield Primary School Everton Road, Birkdale, PR8 4BT