Behaviour Management Tips

Newfield School staff use psychological perspectives on behaviour: implications for supporting pupils

Above anything, as a school, we pride ourselves in the level of care and support we provide for our pupils and their emotional, social and behavioural well-being. The safeguarding and safety of ALL our pupils take priority over all we do.

Here we look at five perspectives and the associated actions that we use at Newfield recommended by Young Minds to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people :

1. Behavioural

Be consistent

  • It is the certainty of a response and the follow-up that matters, not the severity
  • Involve parents in rewarding good behaviour
  • This is particularly effective with younger children

2. Cognitive-behavioural

Involve the pupil

  • Involve pupils in reflecting on their own behaviour and in setting and monitoring targets
  • Provide strategies for the pupil to self-regulate/self-soothe when feeling anxious
  • Explore how pupils attribute meaning to events and consider ways to reframe situations and experiences 

3. Humanistic

Build relationships

  • Focus on the quality of relationships with the pupil
  • Use active listening to show the pupil that he or she has really been heard
  • Build self-esteem

For example

  • Blame the behaviour and not the child
  • Address the pupil by name
  • Accept the child and not the behaviour
  • Remember to ‘catch them getting it right’ 

4. Biological

Understand the needs of the pupil

  • Research basic information about a pupil’s specific condition
  • Make sure medication is kept safe and administered at the correct times
  • Be aware of times when medication such as Ritalin may be wearing off

5. Social learning

Model good skills

  • Ensure that small groups include some pupils who can model good social skills
  • Praise pupils who are doing ordinary things well
  • Model coping skills

For example;

  • verbalise your own internal process when managing an anxiety-provoking situation 

As a school, we are also trained in Team Teach. This is a strategy that focuses on de-escalation of a crisis or situation to support the pupil. The Team Teach philosophy incorporates the above methods.

If a child is at risk of injury to themselves or others, or to cause significant damage or disruption to learning, then positive handling strategies may be considered as a last resort. Pupils have an individual risk assessment at Newfield School, to identify triggers and reduce risk. A positive handling plan may be created if a child requires this intervention, that will consider their emotional, physical and behavioural needs


If you feel you need support with behaviour management strategies please speak to the class teacher. They will gladly meet with you to discuss strategies, that we use in school, that may be useful at home.

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Newfield School Edge Lane, Thornton, Liverpool L23 4TG
Newfield Primary School Everton Road, Birkdale, PR8 4BT