
Admission Criteria:

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. The process of joining Newfield School is as follows and pupils being admitted to Newfield School will meet the following criteria:

  • Have a statement of educational need for social, emotional and mental health / behavioural difficulties and this to be the primary need
  • Aged 5 -16 years old.

Placement is based on the need for special provision, documented within a statement of educational need or an EHCP (Educational Health and Care Plan)


Sefton LA will assess the needs of child with a statement of educational need or undergoing the statutory assessment process for a statement of educational needs. Sefton LA will work with parents and carers to determine the right provision for that child. Where the provision is deemed to be Newfield School, the admissions team from Sefton LA, will contact the Headteacher in the first instance, detailing the child’s educational needs and requesting a place.

  • The Headteacher will determine what level of provision is needed to admit a child.
  • The Headteacher will confirm the provision place, or discuss with the LA if it is felt that another provision may offer a more suitable provision.

Pre-Admission Visit

The Headteacher will liaise with the Local Authority to begin admission procedures. This will be in the form of visits and discussion with parents and carers on the child’s backgrounds and needs to establish level of need, discuss the statement/EHCP in detail and transition arrangements. During the visit, the school will ask for basic information and permissions (such as for trips etc), to allow a swift and smooth transition to occur. A Home-School Agreement (below) will also form part of the meeting, plus an opportunity to ask questions and discuss any concerns.

Once a decision has been reached, Sefton LA will contact transport arranged by Sefton and the Headteacher will agree a start date with Sefton LA and parents /carers. 

The school would ask parents that any interest should be directed in the first instance via the LA admissions team. If the school is oversubscribed in total, or in a specific class or phase, it will consider whether it has the resource needed to admit additional pupils. This will be in liaison with the LA. The school will then decide whether it appropriate to admit further pupils.

Sefton Council Admissions

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Newfield School Edge Lane, Thornton, Liverpool L23 4TG
Newfield Primary School Everton Road, Birkdale, PR8 4BT